Children's, (under 18's), right education recognises children as persons and worthy citizens rather than as the property of their parents or as small and vulnerable 'not yets'
(Howe + Covell 2005)

FRDM for all under 18's
through education???!!!

This tigers type was dying out.
To keep tigers of this kind alive they took away their freedom.
locked them in cages smaller than most houses.
and called this freedom for extinction.

Can Freedom ever be separated from Risk?

answers on a postcard to the usual address, of click the speech bubble icon above the photo and comment?

I'm On My Way
(Recorded by various artists)
{based on an African American spiritual "I'm On My Way to Canaan Land",and "I'm Bound For The Promised Land"}

I'm on my way to the freedom land
I'm on my way to the freedom land
I'm on my way to the freedom land
I'm on my way, praise God
I'm on my way.

I asked my brother to come with me
I asked my brother to come with me
I asked my brother to come with me
I'm on my way, praise God
I'm on my way.

I asked my sister to come with me
I asked my sister to come with me
I asked my sister to come with me
I'm on my way, praise God
I'm on my way.

If they say no, I'll go alone
If they say no, I'll go alone
If they say no, I'll go alone
I'm on my way, praise God
I'm on my way.

I'm on my way, and I won't turn back
I'm on my way, and I won't turn back
I'm on my way, and I won't turn back
I'm on my way, praise God
I'm on my way.

(from freedom Songs website)

Darrell Evans
from the album - Freedom

Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom
Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom
There is peace there is love there is joy
It is for freedom you’ve set us free
It is for freedom you’ve set us free

I’m free, I’m free

We will walk in your freedom walk in your liberty
We will walk in your freedom walk in your liberty
We will dance in your freedom dance in your liberty
We will dance in your freedom dance in your liberty

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